What is new in version 15
IGSS V15 was released in Nov 2020, offering end-users of the IGSS SCADA system as well as system designers a variety of new features and improvements. You can also view the new features in the demo project included in the FREE 50 IGSS Version 15 software, which you can download free of charge.
Newly ADded Functionality
- Workspace Manager.
- Set Operator Stations updates on hold.
- Open map for objects with GPS coordinates.
- Descriptor Icons for Manual, Interlock, Service.
- Statistical HTML Report for Graphs.
- Zoom and Pan in Definition.
- Descriptor in group selectable.
- Shadow option for some descriptors.
- Default font option.
- Re-use style properties from last drawn descriptor.
- EnergiNet.dk driver.
- Button action for each menu item.
- Descriptor property move, to move diagram without title bar in Supervise.
IGSS Mobile App
- Objects on Map.
- Dark Mode For iOS.
Improvements and Enhancements
- Find now search in Graphs, Calculations and VBA.
- Bar graph Customization.
- Severity icons in Embedded Alarm List.
- Severity icons for Bar, Button, Rectangle, Rectangular Field and Text..
- Severity icon overlap offset.
- Hide Severity icon/frame indication.
- Translation Tool.
- Maintenance and Note database migrated to SQLite.
- Graph options: Line thickness and Smoothing.
- Many other bug fixes, corrections and GUI improvements.