Online IGSS Updates
If your IGSS station is connected to the internet you can get the latest updates for both IGSS and IGSS help files. The IGSS update module is located in IGSS Master under Information and Support.
Offline IGSS Updates
If your IGSS station has no internet connection, you can.
- From a machine that can access the internet, download the updated zip file and save it locally or on a USB.
- Go to the IGSS station that needs to be updated.
- In the IGSS Master > Information and Support tab, click the Update IGSS Software button to open the IGSS Updater.
- In the IGSS Updater form > Preferences tab, select IGSSUPDATE.ZIP file and navigate to the downloaded Update file.
- Click the Commit button to start the update.
Cybersecurity Information
Security Guideline
Read our security recommendations for securing an IGSS SCADA installation.
Security Updates
Make sure to keep the IGSS software updated by running IGSS Update or download updates from here. Also remember to keep the Windows Operating system updated by running Windows Update on a regular basis.
Supported Versions
Program + Help Update (General) .zip
For demo project use password - demo
The password is only necessary when connecting an operator station to a server.
Program + Help Update (General) .zip
This is how to change IGSSUpdateService.exe
1. Download the IGSSUdateService for version 16
2. Stop IGSSUpdateService.exe
3. Copy IGSSUpdateService.exe in to the GSS folder under the IGSS installation and overwrite it. (admin rights are needed)
4. Start IGSSUpdateService.
5. Run IGSS Updater and update IGSS.
Program + Help Update (General) .zip
This is how to change IGSSUpdateService.exe
1. Download the IGSSUdateService for version 15
2. Stop IGSSUpdateService.exe
3. Copy IGSSUpdateService.exe in to the GSS folder under the IGSS installation and overwrite it. (admin rights are needed)
4. Start IGSSUpdateService.
5. Run IGSS Updater and update IGSS.