Using symbol libraries in IGSS

FAQ Question

Can I use any symbol libraries other than the built-in IGSS symbol file, Symbols.v12?


Many of our competitors use the symbol library called Symbol Factory. It contains a number of drawings well-suited for automation systems. The drawings can be exported to *.bmp or *.wmf format (*.wmf is recommended for IGSS32). Once converted, the drawing will have a white background, but it can be removed by importing it into CorelDraw, selecting the drawing without the background and then grouping the appropriate elements and saving it as an *.emf file. You can then place the drawing on a process diagram, connect it to an IGSS object, put it in the Library toolbar, etc. The picture below shows one of the symbol tables in Symbol Factory.

Further information about Symbol Factory is available from its manufacturer, Software Toolbox. From their Web site, you can download a demo version.