IGSS freezes after change in alarm print format

FAQ Question

I’ve configured my system to automatically print alarms as they occur. In the Alarm program I’ve chosen the columns to be included in the alarm printout and subsequently I chose “Save Format for Alarm Printer”, but then IGSS freezes. What happened?



Under some circumstances, the Alarm program does not write the correct column information into the Registry. This causes DC (Data Collection) to freeze.


  1. Download the Alarm patch.
  2. Extract the patched Alm.exe into the [InstallPath]\Gss folder.
  3. Delete the entire branch in the Registry called “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\7-Technologies\IGSS32\V3.00.00\Printers\Column Width”.
  4. Restart the configuration from the IGSS32 Starter program.
  5. Reconfigure the columns in the Alarm program and select “Save Format for Alarm Printer” again. This will fix the problem.
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