IGSS Update without Internet at customer site

FAQ Question

At the customer site where the IGSS system is used, there is no access to the Internet. How can I ensure that the site gets updated even when there’s no Internet access there?


The IGSS Update module should be activated at the home office before visiting the customer site. Every time the module is activated with Internet access, two things occur:

  1. The newest files posted on the 7T website for the IGSS system are downloaded to the recipient PC and installed automatically in the /gss subfolder of the IGSS installation.
  2. In the /gss subfolder of the IGSS installation, a new subfolder called updates is automatically created and copies of all the downloaded files are saved in another new subfolder called v51_updates (previously v51_patch01).

The updates folder is then copied to the laptop PC used to service customer sites and the files from here are then put into the customer’s /gss subfolder.

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