Customizing the IGSS Help files

FAQ Question
Sometimes I would like enlarge the font size in the IGSS help system, but can I do that?
Yes, the IGSS help system is delivered in the standard WinHelp format. This format features a right-click menu that allows you to do the following:
Annotate Attach your own comments to a Help file. When you save the annotation, a small paper clip appears in the topic.
Copy Copies the text you have selected in the Help topic.
Print Topic Prints the current topic. This function is especially useful for What’s This? help topics which are not visible on the Contents tab or in the Index.
Font Allows you to change the font size. Very useful if you have to read a lot of text on-screen. In that case, change the font setting to “Large”
Keep Help on Top Determines how the Help file behaves in relation to the program from which it is called. Normally, “Default” will be OK, but if you want to force the Help file to stay on top or remain in the background, this is also possible.
Use System Colors Allows you to use the colour setup from the Control Panel for the Help files. By design, we have tried to show different information types with different colours, so we do not recommend using this function.
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