FAQ Question
Who will see this problem:
This problem applies only to IGSS installations using MSDE or a full SQL Server 2000 for report data storage.
Your report generation has been working correctly on your operator stations. Suddenly, you cannot establish a connection to your report data. When you analyze the error messages, you will find out that the connection to the MSDE/SQL Server cannot be established. How can I remedy this problem?
New security updates from Microsoft have been installed. The first time we saw this problem was after installation of updates from April 10, 2007. If your MSDE/SQL Server 2000 has not been updated, it will not work together with the newest security updates and will not allow remote connections after the update.
You will need to update your MSDE/SQL Server 2000 to Service Pack 4 (SP4) or newer.
You can read about the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 at the Microsoft website:
You may need to restart the server after the update has been installed.