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The alarm log can typically contain a large amount of records and when the number of alarm log records exceeds the limit defined for the alarm log, …
If you want to view alarms and alarm texts for object in alarm in the Supervise module and avoid having to open the Active Alarm form constantly, …
The new graph feature introduced in IGSS12 has been augmented with several new and reinstated features. Graph Command line interface The command line interface for …
The new graph feature introduced in IGSS12 has been augmented with several new features which improve user overview and enables users to better create, adjust …
When creating new Standard and Operator graphs, you can save your present graph properties as a set of default graph properties. When you have defined …
The IGSS Development team has introduced a new pre-and Post script option to the Check-and-Install or Check-and-Update procedure when installing changes made in the Definition …
You can use the command line parameters for reports to run selected reports automatically, either as batch-files or through the IGSS job scheduler. This enables you to …
New Command line parameter A new command line parameter has been introduced called –SaveExit to augment the existing import-based parameters for the Definition module. The …