How to resolve installation issue

FAQ Question

When installing IGSS 7.0, the installation may be interrupted and not completed successfully. If you get the error message below from the installation wizard, you may have run into a problem related to DCOM.

In that case, you will get error 1603 in the IGSS installation log file, INSTALL.LOG. The file is located in this path:

Windows XP:

Documents and settings\uuuu\Application data\7t\igss32\v7.0\

Windows Vista:


The contents of Install.log will be:

07/05/01 12:31:09.437: Install IGSS
07/05/01 12:31:09.437: Try execute: msiexec /i “C:\DOWNLOADS\IGSS\V7\igss32
\IGSS32 7.0.msi” /norestart
07/05/01 12:31:14.714: executed rc = 1603 (643)
07/05/01 12:31:14.714: Failed 1603 (643)
07/05/01 12:31:16.076: Exit

Or you can get further information by writing this command from the Windows Command Prompt. The data will be saved in the file loginstall.log.
Change the path to the folder where the .msi file is installed or write the full path to the .msi file.

msiexec /i “igss32 70.msi” /l* loginstall.log

1: Event ‘E399607’ is created
1: GetInstallDriver, Can not find InstallDriver in ROT table, Return Code = 0x800401e3
1: {2A3D3296-B0AE-4539-954B-211E7946EC07}
1: CoCreateInstance failed with error 0x80029c4a, try a second approach.
1: Forcing item moniker {3B8F6E0D-1169-453B-80C6-7BBC5E0AA665} into ROT…
1: ISMsiServerStartup Failure, Failed to create InstallDriver, Error = 0x80029c4a
1: MsiServerStartup failed. Abort installation.
Action ended 14:39:10: ISMsiServerStartup. Return value 1603.


This problem is not easy to troubleshoot, because you see little to no detail in the event log.

Return value 1603 is telling you that the local system (or current account) does not have access to launch DCOM. Particularly, if you are using Group Policy to deploy the MSI, this appears because it is the local system account that initiates action before any user is logged on. In doing so, Windows Installer launches the InstallScript DCOM engine as user “interactive user” and generates this error.

To resolve this problem, do the following:

  1. Start the DCOM Configuration Tool from the path C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCOMCNFG.EXE.
  2. Change the launch identity of “InstallShield InstallDriver” and “InstallShield InstallDriver String Table” to “Launching user”.
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