FAQ Question
How do I use a fax with WinPager?
Follow these steps to install the modem and set up WinPager.
- Connect the modem to your PC.
- Start the PC and in Windows XP go into the Control Panel–Add or Remove Programs–Add/Remove Windows Components and select FAX Services. In Windows 2000, FAX Services are automatically installed when you connect your modem.
- Open WinPager and go to Paging Services–Load Services and enable the WinMapi service.
- Go to Operators–Add Single… to create a new operator or Edit… to change an existing operator’s settings
- In the field Service Address key in the following, FAX:XXXXXX, where X are the digits in the phone number to the fax.
- Click OK to return to the Operator dialog box where the button Test! can be activated to test the connection.