In IGSS Version 13 it is now possible for the plant operating staff to make their own sub-folders in the IGSS Maintenance module to keep a better overview of files related to maintenance jobs.
When creating, editing or copying maintenance jobs, all related job descriptions and job notes are as default stored in the Report folder’s Maintenance sub-folder. This could result in a very long list of files.
With the release of IGSS Version 13, users with the right to define and edit maintenance jobs now have the option to create and select new sub-folders inside the Maintenance folder for storage of job descriptions and job notes to provide a better overview of related maintenance job files.
Create and change folder for maintenance job files
To create a new Maintenance sub-folder, first open the IGSS Maintenance
module. Go to the Configuration tab and select one of the New Job or Edit Job buttons to get to the New Job form.
In the New Job form under the tabs Job Description and Job Note, you can create new sub-folders under the Maintenance folder in two ways:
- Click the Browse… button and select Make New Folder, or
- Click the \Maintenance\ field next to File, and select Make New Folder
Enter a name for the new sub-folder and, if needed, create more folder levels.
Example: \Reports\Maintenance\Plant A\Periodical.
NB! If you try to move or save a file to another folder, already hosting a file
with the same name, the IGSS system will issue a warning.