FAQ Question
I have installed MS-SQL on my IGSS server and set up Audit Trail to log all transactions in IGSS but I can see transactions made from the operator machines are not logged in the Audit Trail. What should i do
ou have probably only installed the Microsoft SQL server program on your IGSS server and not on the operator machines.
IGSS 9.0 uses an OLE DB for SQL Server native client to access the SQL database for audit trail logging. If you have not installed MS-SQL on your operator machines, the OLE DB for SQL Server native client will not be present and the operator machine will not be able to access the MS-SQL Audit Trail database on the server to log transactions.
You can test if your operator machine can access the MS-SQL Audit Trail by opening the System Configuration form on the Operator machine, found in IGSS Master > Design and Setup tab > System Configuration button.
In the System Configuration form, click the Files tab > SQL Settings button in the Audit Trail data group to open the SQL Server Settings form. If there is no SQL server information displayed in the Data source and Initial catalog fields, you probably do not have the OLE DB for SQL Server file.
To obtain the OLE DB for SQL Server file, go to www.microsoft.com and download the sqlncli.msi file and install it on all operator machines that are to access the MS-SQL Audit Trail database.