GE Fanuc SNP Protocol driver ID:70

Interface Description

IGSS offers an interface for the GS Fanuc SNP Communication Driver. The driver support the master protocol that can be used in both point-to-point and in multidrop configurations. The IGSS driver implements direct point-to-point, dialled-up and radio connections to PLC’s.

The IGSS system polls the PLC equipment cyclically according to one of four user-defined time intervals. The time intervals are configurable from 100 milliseconds to 999 seconds. The system automatically groups process data in data blocks – thus fully exploiting the the communication link in relation to the present configuration.

Technical Data

Electrical Interface : RS232C
Types of data : Bit, Byte and Word and PLC time
PLC types supported : Series 90-30
Addressing : %I, iQ, %T, %M, %R, %A
Supported platforms : Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2000
Max. telegram size : 255 words
Transmission speed : Up to 115 Kbaud depending on the PLC port speed
Max. number of channels : 8 channels
Max. number of nodes : 255 nodes
PC hardware requirements : 1 to 8 standard serial ports (COM ports). Standard modem(s) if dialled-up is used.

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