Siemens 3964R/RK512 ID:2

Interface Description

The IGSS32 Siemens 3964R/RK512 communication interface offers connection to Siemens S5 Series of PLCs equipped with 3964R/RK512 communication processors, e.g. CP524, CP525 and CP544. 3964R/RK512 is an asynchronous serial point-to-point protocol which can be connected directly to the serial RS232 port on the PC.

The IGSS32 system polls the PLC equipment cyclically according to to one of four user-defined time intervals. The time intervals are are configurable from 100 milliseconds to 999 seconds. The system automatically groups process data in data blocks – thus fully exploiting the communication link in relation to the present configuration.

It is possible to apply event-oriented communication. Then the PLC equipment has control over when and which data to send to the IGSS32 system. In this way the use of available communication bandwidth can be optimized.

Technical Data

Electrical Interface : RS-232C
Protocol : 3964R (data link layer) and RK512 (application layer)
Types of data : String. Fixed Point 8, 16, 28, 32. BCD 16, 32. Float 32, Timer, Counter, Siemens Teleperm, Fixed point 13 with 2 alarm bits.
PLC types supported : Siemens S5 series PLCs (115U, 135U and 155U) with 3964R/RK512 communication processor (e.g. CP524, CP525, CP544). Simatic S5 95U is also supported but requires special function blocks for handling RK512.
Simatic S7 series PLCs (S7/300 and S7/400) equipped with CP441-2 or compatible CP which implements 3964R and RK512. It is however not recommended to use this driver with Simatic S7 because of addressing differences compared to the S5. The Simatic S7 driver should be used instead.
Addressing : Node (PLC), block (DB), word (16 bits), bit offset (a whole number of words is read or written)
Supported platforms : Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2000
Max. telegram size : 64 words/telegram
Transmission speed : 1200-115KBaud
Communication mode : Peer-to-Peer. Polling and event driven communication
Throughput : Up to 4 telegrams pr. second pr. channel
Max. number of nodes : One pr. COM: port. Up to 8 concurrent ports supported.
PC hardware requirements : Standard serial RS-232C port(s)
PC software requirements : None