STEP 2: Import the diagram and attach the control group

In this second step, we will import the group object, REG01_GRP and attach the group to the reusable diagram.

  1. In the File menu, select Import Group and find the predefined group, REG01_GRP.CGF in the [InstallPath]\Samples folder and click Open.

  2. In the Paste Special dialog box, clear all check boxes and click OK.

  3. In the Modify Options of Group Members dialog box, enter 01 in the Substitutes field and #1 in the Node field and click OK.

  4. In the Format menu, select Set Initial Display to make this diagram appear when we later start the configuration.

  5. In the File menu select Group Manager.

  6. In the Name drop-down list, the name REG01_GRP appears. So far, this is the only Group in the configuration.

  7. Close the Group Manager dialog box.

  8. Right-click the diagram and select Properties and do the following:
