A table type, like the analog type, is used to represent a process component that can take on any value within a specified range. However, a single table object may be used for up to ten different analog objects that belong together in some way.
The following examples show what a table object may be used for:
Click here to learn how to define a table object.
You should use a table object:
A table object has no alarm limits and hence no alarm supervision. A table object may, however, inherit the alarm limits from an analog object it is connected to.
Apart from using the standard symbols for table objects included in the default symbol file, Symbols.v20, that comes with IGSS, you can show a table object as a bar display, where appropriate. A bar display may, for example, be useful for showing a number of temperature gauges of a tank. Click here for further information..
Once the table object is defined and its symbol is placed on a process diagram, you can view its properties in a number of different ways.
The properties can be changed at any time.
See Also