Cut, copy and paste objects

You must select one or more objects, before you press the shortcut. Press CTRL + A to select all objects on a diagram.

When you paste an object as a new object, the object name will be suffixed with a _1 as object names in IGSS must be unique.

Rename the object and assign a unique PLC address to it. If the original object is based on an object template, this property is also copied to the new object.

Use the following shortcuts to cut, copy and paste objects:

To... Press

Cut the selected object(s)


Copy the selected object(s)


Paste the copied object(s) as new object(s)

Paste the copied object(s) as reference(s) CTRL +R
Paste via the Paste Special function without changing the proportions of the copied objects
(For copy/paste between diagrams of different sizes)
Hold down SHIFT while pressing the OK button in the Paste Special form.